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I wrote my first E-BOOK!

WOOOOHOOO! I am so excited to be able to offer this to you guys! I have worked on this for a long time. And I had hoped to have it done a month ago, But Mark had an accident and tore his hamstring off the bone, that resulted in a serious surgery and full time care taking for the last 6 weeks! He is gaining his independence back which has given me more time to pour into my projects! AND ITS DONE!

So this e-book is a true starter guide on milling your own grain. I cover the different types of grain and how to use them, where to buy grains, our personal testimony, why you should mill your own grain, the types of mills and how to choose the right one for you, my most popular recipes using fresh milled grains : blueberry muffins, chocolate chip cookies, sandwich bread, and pizza dough! It is 17 pages of information and links to everything you need so that it is easy for you to find and access!

If you have wanted to start milling and don't know where to start, this e-book will set you on your way!

Here is the link and I hope you find this helpful!!


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