So if you like brown cinnamon sugar poptarts then you will love these scones. Better ingredients, more nutrients, and less sugar, but still taste like a dream come true if you have missed those lovely squares of processed goodness. Those poptarts will always remind me of the school bus rides when my dad was in charge of breakfast and overslept. Or maybe he didn't oversleep, and it was just that much of a rush getting four kids ready for school? I just remember him frantically throwing food in our hands as we walked out the door. And I was delighted to eat my breakfast on the way to school. It always felt like such a treat carrying that butter soaked paper towel on board. Alas the recipe....

Cinnamon Currant Scones
2 cups fresh milled spelt flour
3 TBS coconut sugar
1 TBS baking powder
1 TBS Vietnamese cinnamon
1/2 tsp pink salt
5 TBS unsalted COLD butter
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup currants
optional icing:
1/3 cup powdered sugar
dash of maple extract
dash of vanilla
a few tbsp milk or cream until its a smooth drizzly consistency.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mill the spelt on the finest setting, about 1 3/4 cups of grain. Mix flour, coconut sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, salt. Use a cheese grater to grate then butter into the flour. Mix together. Stir in the cream. Lastly, fold in the currants.
Roll out the dough and form into a circle. Press the circle of dough to about an inch thick. Cut into 8 slices. There is a trick if your dough is sticky. Wet your knife with cold water and cut them. If it is particularly sticky, I run the water on the knife between every cut.
Spread the scones out on a cookie sheet. I love these pans, because I don't have to mess with parchment paper anymore-- they are non-toxic and non-stick.
Make sure there is space between each slice to bake individually. Bake for 5 minutes at 400 degrees, and then reduce the heat to 350 for 8-10 minutes.
Allow them to cool a little bit, and drizzle with icing if your heart compels you.